Truly Not My Will But Yours

NotMyWillButYours is inspired completely by the Holy Spirit.  I am not creative, I am not a writer nor am I a blogger.  I am a stay-at-home mother of 5 teen-aged (and above) kids.  My charisms begin with my Faith, my love of learning and reading about my Faith, my love of knowledge, my awe of wisdom, and my constant struggle to let Our Lord be the One in control of my life.  I pray, read, write, read some more, and pray some more.

I would invite you to share your trials, struggles, joys, and faith here.  As I pray, sometimes I receive inspirations and NotMyWillButYours is where I will share my writings.  If this touches you in some way, please share.  If you need prayers, please share.  If you have an encouraging word for others, please share.  I don't mention specifically who I'm praying for because many may be touched by His Truth in different ways.

Seek God's Peace and bask in His Joy for you.