Adoring the Son Rise over Lake Missaukee

Who has stolen your heart?

Where is my heart if it is not with You, My Lord? Who has stolen it from You? Help me find my heart and give it back to You. Help me love You only and not desire any thing, any one else.

My dear daughter, I love you more every day. I long to be the apple of your eye think on Me only, always, lovingly, joyfully. I am the only thing that will bring you joy, peace, comfort. If you think on Me, everything else will be put into place. Your life will be so simple, so joy-filled, so peaceful. Do not be distracted with frivolous doings or silly people. Do not fret of others' thoughts or talks about you. Think of them only enough to pray for their peace and then think on Me. Alone. I am your whole goal. You need nothing else. I am your strenth. I am your sole comfort. You know this. Believe it. Trust it. Live it. We have built an intimate relationship. I love you and I love being your friend, your confidant, your shoulder to lean on.

Sunset in the backyard. Artist: I AM

Let Me Break Your Heart

Dear Lord, You have given me everything. Please help me to give You everything back. Help me desire to give You everything and help me detach from everything. You alone are my strength. You alone are my peace. What can I give You right now that would please You?

My dearest daughter, be My Love. Give Me your heart that I may break it and mend it better than before. I make all things better. My Love is incomparable to anything you can give Me. Give Me back My Love. Love your brother. Love your enemy. Love your priests. Love those who you despise. Love those who irritate you, especially. Do not avoid them. They will sanctify you and you, in turn, may model My Love for them. I give you so much Love for you to share. You cannot contain My Love, for it has value in only being given away.

The innocent will rise above all and have a special place in My House.

Sep. 2, 2016

My daughter, have consolation and hope in My Mercy. Your faith alone can save souls if you do it in My Name. Be strong and trust in My Son. Love them. Love those who persecute. The innocent will rise above all and have a special place in My House. This persecution will make Our Mystical Body strong against the evil one. Know that I have already defeated him, but pray for yourself and others, that they may not continue to fall and follow him. I am here in the present, if you remember me. Give me your will and you shall have joy and prosper in faith.
I hear the cries of the poor in spirit. They shall have the Kingdom of God. Their light shall shine like a beacon of hope for all those in darkness. They shall lead them out of the darkness of their sins and into My Light and they will know Me. Be strong. Have faith. Be not afraid of anything because I am with you always. Remember you are nothing and I am everything and everywhere and I will make everything right. I am the Creator of the universe and I only wish to give you everything and share what I have with you.
Please show them My Mercy and Love and Patience and Kindness and Hope and Joy and Peace... and Forgiveness. Forgive those. Forgive and forget and give peace and have peace. Your actions will not be forgotten by Me. Have peace in everything for you know I am everything good and I make everything good. Do not fear evil because evil has already been destroyed.
Choose Life. Choose Peace. Choose Forgiveness. Choose Surrender.
Choose Me...

We are all part of something bigger, more magnificent than this place

May. 10, 2016

Our Dear Lord wants everyone to have peace. He want peace throughout the world. He wants everyone to experience the peace of His Love. What that means is that everyone has inner peace. A steadfast disposition and faith that it is in the Lord alone; that we find passion, joy, love, hope, courage, fortitude, faith, knowledge, wisdom, and guidance. It does not mean that there is no conflict in our world, in our lives, or with each other. But it does mean that with that conflict that enables us to grow towards eternal salvation, we can experience loving peace and confidence that He is using this conflict to teach our souls, to mold us, to guide us toward a perfect love for Him. We must ask with confidence and humility for the graces to accept His loving guidance however it may come, either by way of a loving hand or by way of a hard, life-lesson. We must thank Him abundantly for His favor to us, for when we have multiple trials in our lives, and we allow God to use them for our benefit, we grow ever more close to Him, to be like Him, to become Him.
Do not submit to the ways of this world. Do not succumb to its destructive ways. The ways of this world are to dominate our time and focus, instead of allowing our focus to be on Him alone.
We should see Him in everything we do, to give Him glory for everything in our lives. We should see him in everyone we see, to perfect charity in everyone near us. We should see him in everywhere we go, to give Him honor and praise.
Have peace in your hearts
to know He has already taken care of all your troubles,
to know that He has already prepared a place for you in heaven,
to know there is something much more magnificent waiting for you than what this world has to offer,
to know that there are many that are there, ahead of you, already at the banquet waiting for you to join them,
to know they are praying to God on your behalf,
to know this world is temporary and what awaits you is eternal,
to know that He can fulfill every desire of your soul,
to know that your will, conformed to His Will is the only satisfaction you desire,
to know you are loved with a desire so burning so inviting, so enveloping, so pure and immense, so fulfilling and complete, that your only want for eternity is to glorify Him with your whole soul and to be as close to Him as you can for ever and ever.

Make this life what it should be: A preparation for life eternal, a preparation for death to this world. Cleanse your hearts. Cleanse your souls. Run to confession. Have charity for everyone and give of your self, your time, and your treasures for all who seek them and for all of God's children.
I pray to God that I may do even and ounce of what God has planned for me. And then I pray that I can do more than that because He wills it.

Who is stealing your presents?

May. 8, 2016

Last night my son, in his infinite wisdom and observation, made a comment that enlightened me: Why do we bother ourselves with getting upset with people or embarrassing ourselves in front of people that we will never see again? Like when we are driving down the road and someone cuts us off or makes us angry, we allow that person to steal our present joy. You see, the only thing that we can control is our present attitude.

Ascension of Our Lord

Apr. 12, 2016

Once you have encountered Christ, the time gazing is over. You must go out and proclaim His Good News to all. We must be filled with the Holy Spirit and pass it on to all we meet.
It is essential to pray often and pray deeply to be able to determine the Lord's request for you. God is patient and merciful. He is waiting for us to do His work.
"Why are you standing there gazing into the sky? You should be doing my works."

Obligation vs Committment

Jun. 26, 2015

When we live in Christ as an obligation instead of as a commitment, we follow Him for the wrong reasons. It may be a start, a beginning of the journey to Him, but we must constantly pray for the graces to shed the veils of the glory of God. When we make our obligation into an opportunity, we cannot wait to serve Him for what He deserves (and more), and not for what we can get out of it.

Patience, my son.

Jun. 29, 2015

Use this time to practice patience within yourself. Also, to show mercy and love to others who don't seem lovable. If you can be happy and peaceful, my son, in your time now, in any situation, then you will be happy and peaceful doing my work. If you fail to practice and teach patience, mercy, love, self-control now, you won't be able, you won't be ready to be my warrior. Put on your armor and practice now. I need you to be ready. Know I love you, I will take up the slack where you feel you cannot bear the burden. Fully Rely on Me for EVERYTHING. Read St. Mark.

Mercy for others

Jun. 30, 2015

God is preparing you for mercy of others'. For all the trials that you are going through, greatness in mercy will abound. You need to go through this suffering, so that you may console others in their suffering. God works His Truth into your life in many different ways, and your prayers are being answered in way that you are not aware. Keep your eyes open to all of His ways. God will not violate your free will, but He will grant your requests if you are open to change in your life. You must continue to ask for your soul to be healed, and thank Him for every trial you suffer.

The suffering in your heart

The suffering in your heart

The suffering in your heart is strong, but not as strong as my love for you. You feel the emptiness of a love that has been lost; A love that you feel has been taken away from you too soon. How can you go on living without the person that you have spent so much of your life with? Everything reminds you of them. Where you fail to see, my child, is that everything should remind you of Me. I am your consolation. Only through Me are you consoled, are you redeemed, are you saved. Your time here is not finished and you cannot join your loved one. You must continue to do my work and you must continue to save souls, with yours being the first. Give your suffering to Me and I will glorify it. I will make it have eternal meaning. I will magnify it and use it to save others' souls. Give to Me your sufferings, your emptiness, your grief, your loneliness, your feelings of abandonment. I know these things. I know them deep in your heart. I feel these things with a pain that you cannot comprehend; that you cannot fathom. Give Me glory with your suffering. Bind it unto my suffering that we may be united in our grief together and I may comfort you and you may comfort Me. I love you, my child, with a love so great and so pure that your sadness may wilt away at the sight of My Face. Have Peace and Blessed Repose.

Everybody must find their sanctuary; their piece of peace of mind. Deliver yourself unto your Creator, and you will find that place. sooner than you expect.

Photo taken at Missaukee Lake in Lake City, MI.

Our Lady is present now to console you. Give your heart to her and she will take you under her protective cloak and guide you to her Son.

This picture was taken at Sts. Peter and Paul Byzantine Catholic Church in Punxsutawney, PA.